Save 50% NOW!!! – Grab Your Copy Of The Notorious Text 2 S3x For Just $37 Today!
How far do you wanna go? And how good do you wanna get?!
Well, I'm SO EXCITED that you're reading these words.
Do you know what that means?
It means something very special. It means you're about to dive into my VAULT of tips, guidance, and top secret insights into making women insanely attracted to you all over text...
... this is some serious Ninja tactics that the world has NEVER seen before.
But what if I told you that there are actual texts that you can send that make girls turned on.
What if I told you that you could bypass all that courtship "does she like me", "how do I get physical" crap ahead of time over text without ever having to stand in front of her so that when you finally do meet up with her she is one look away from ripping your pants off and dragging you to the bedroom.
Well on this page you are going to discover not only that it's possible but that doing it over texts is way easier and faster then you could have ever imagined in your wildest dreams. In fact, not only is it possible but by the end of this page you are going to have the opportunity to do it yourself. And you can do it with a girl who is ALREADY in your cell phone RIGHT NOW.
Imagine that you could go through your phone and find 2 or 3 numbers of girls you haven't talked to in a while, send some of the messages you have copied from Text That Girl and get them interested in you, and then in a super sneaky but ethical way, send her a couple of proven low-key ninja seduction messages and by the end of the night have all 3 of them in the bathroom sending naked pictures to you.
There's a reason I'm the guy Maxim Radio, Nerve Magazine and a bunch of other Seduction Guru's call when they want to ask questions about getting women into bed over text. And yes, I'm well know as a "Texting Master". I can turn any number into a date. I can turn any date into a make out session. I can turn any make out session into CRAZY FUN SEX. And I can start it all with some very simple text messages. But what they don't know, is that ANY guy can do this if he just has my text messages, if he just knows what specifically to send.
Just like there are text messages you can send to get her to chase you, to get her to want you, to think about you all day, there are Ninja advanced text messages that get her incredibly turned on, that make her dripping wet with sexual anticipation. And if that sounds like something you would be interested in, then I want you to STRONGLY consider my Text 2 Sex program.
Everyone has a sexual side and yes I mean EVERYONE, including EVERY SINGLE girl in your phone right now. And the same key can unlock that sexual desire in every woman.
Think of it this way - there are a lot of different sides to a woman's personality. There's her social side, which comes out when she's around friends. There's her caring side, which comes out around little kids or if she's babysitting. There's her professional side, which comes out in class or at the office.
Then there's her naughty side... her mind's secret back room of sexual desire that's decorated with a lingerie rack, a wall full of toys like fur-lined handcuffs and leather thongs, a video camera to capture all of the action, and a bed with red silk sheets, where she's free to moan, tremble, and yelp with pleasure.
And in Text 2 Sex, I'm going to give you that master key.
Fair warning: she can and very likely will become addicted to you once you use this key.
And you need to know that before you use it, because if you're not ready for her to be texting you at 3 am for a booty call, if you're not ready for her to randomly send you naughty pictures, if you're not ready for her to text you begging to come over night after night then you should not consider because it will literally flood you phone with text messages. Also, if you do not have an unlimited texting plan I highly recommend you upgrade.
She'll be telling you the dirtiest details of her wildest fantasies... and she'll be doing things to you in bed that would make Hugh Hefner blush!
Now, I must INSIST that you ONLY use this stuff with girls who you want as your girlfriend. It is simply too powerful to use otherwise. It will "ruin" a girl for other men, because these are the things that 99.9% of men will never know how to get a woman to do or say.
And not only will you turn her on without even being in front of her, but you'll have her begging for more.
Not only will you learn the EXACT technique I used on Kara so you can use it on ANY girl you want but I'll teach you things like
In fact, this stuff is so EFFECTIVE and took so many years to perfect that I realized I needed to charge a lot for it or every guy would be using it. When I ran my Text 2 Sex seminar in New York City last year, I charged $697 a seat for guys to hear these secrets.
But since you've proven to me that you are serious about this and you have agreed to only use this on girls that you want to make your girlfriend, If you take action and pull the trigger now on this page ONLY you can get the entire Text 2 Sex program for just $67.
Now, you will have an opportunity to buy it at a later time but the price will go up to $197. And considering the SEXUAL POWER you are going to have at your fingertips, even at that price it's an absolute steal.
Once your order is complete you'll have INSTANT ACCESS to the private members area with all the examples, techniques, and tactics that have made Text 2 Sex a success. That's right, just a minute from now you can be copying one of these tried and true sexts and sending them to any (or every!) cute girl whose number you have.
Text 2 Sex + Text That Girl
In other words, you can put TEXT 2 SEX and TEXT THAT GIRL to use, right now, and by the end of the day you will get responses back from the girls who are currently in your phone . And the same Iron Clad guarantee that you know and trust from Text That Girl also stands here. Think of the $67 as a "deposit" that you can have returned if it doesn't work for you. And if it does work - and I KNOW it will - then you are the happiest man on planet earth.
And on the off chance that there's not one particular girl who's in your phone book right now... on the small possibility that you're starting from scratch... you can take a full 60 Days to get a number and test it out before committing to the small investment I'm asking for.
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